Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 3

I saw this little teddy bear on my way home one day.


This is the new hospital... complete with a giant Vegas style LED display. I guess there's stiff competition in the industry.


When you buy a hot dog here it comes on a stick and looks like this- This is my version with garlic sausages.


This is the inside of a $500 mahjong table. The table seemed to be worth more than everything in the house combined. There are 2 sets of tiles, while you play the table shuffles the tiles and gets them ready for the next hand.


I sat and watched for 4 hours and still don't know how to play. I picked up some Chinese though!



This is what we had for dinner after Mahjong. It's called hot pot. It was really hard to eat... I won't say what was in it because I don't want to ruin anyone's lunch.


I finally found some peanut butter to eat with the delicious apples here. It's really expensive, but the PB/chocolate swirl is surprisingly much cheaper than regular PB.


This is my new ride. It was about $200 US. It's quick enough to keep up with most traffic but really terrible quality...


This is the church my friend brought me to. It was really interesting though I understood few words. The pastor spoke great mandarin so I plan to return often.


This is Ye Li Dao Island. There's a road that connects it to the mainland. It takes about 50 minutes by bus to get there, but I made it in 15 on the new moped!


The 'boat' on the left is a really big seafood restaurant.


A panoramic of the mainland from the island.




There are surprisingly many breathtaking sights in Zhuhai.



After we left the island, my friend told me she had attended Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus so I asked if she could show me the school. We rode really far north and on one of the roads there were a whole bunch of buses going really fast. I was riding full throttle trying not to get run over when the moped lost power. We pulled over and walked the bike an hour north to the gas station, but after filling up the bike still wouldn't go. It was too late to find a mechanic so we left the bike there and took buses home...

To be continued with more pictures...

1 comment:

  1. i want to eat a hot dog...that looks delicious!
